Kids Ministry Resources

Scroll down for our Bible reading plans

Parents & Teens Reading Plan

The next few weeks at The Hive we will be looking at the book of Exodus in the Bible. You can look up this book in your physical Bibles or read it online. To learn more about this book, see the video linked below.  

We will be reading through these passages: 

  • Exodus 4: 1-17 – Week 6
  • Exodus 14: 10-31 – Week 7
  • Exodus 16: 1-22 – Week 8 

Each chapter we read helps us to grow in trusting God. After reading the chapter for this week, think through:

  1. What does this story tell me about God? 
  2. How does this story remind me that God can be trusted? 
  3. How can I grow in trusting God this week? 

Primary Story Reading

Junior Hive: Read through the story in the children’s book ‘Bible Stories Every Child Should Know’ by Kenneth N. Taylor.  These are the stories that we will be reading through for the rest of this term:

  • A Voice in a Burning Bush – Week 6
  • A Pillar of Cloud and Fire – Week 7
  • Food from Heaven – Week 8

Please contact us if you cannot source a copy of this book. We will provide one for you.

Follow up with the questions at the end of the chapter.  

Senior Hive: Read through the story ‘God of Truth’ in the children’s book ‘I Am: 40 Reasons To Trust God’ by Diane Stortz. These are the stories that we will be reading through for the rest of this term:

  • I Am: At the Burning Bush – Week 6
  • God Who Saves: Leaving Egypt – Week 7
  • The Lord Will Provide: Food from Heaven – Week 8

Please contact us if you cannot source a copy of this book. We will provide one for you.

Follow up with the prayer at the end of the chapter.

Excite: Kids Club

On Friday evenings between 6pm to 7:30pm we run a kids club for children in year 3 to 6. For more information click the button below. 

Our theme this term is ‘Dr. Luke’. We are reading the gospel of Luke through the prespective of doctor Luke. By the end of term we will find that Jesus is the ultimate doctor who can heal our us from the inside and out.

Image by dooder on Freepik

Come one & all: At St John’s we value and welcome families. Led by our love for Jesus, we have Kids & Youth programs across a range of age stages.