Have a browse through the weekly activities that we run here at St John's Anglican Beecroft:
The program includes indoor and outdoor free play, music and story time, take-home craft and parachute games! Morning Tea is also provided for the parents/carers.
If you would like to join us, please download and complete a Registration Form and bring it with you. Alternatively, forms are available at playgroup.
Cost is $3 per week or $20 per term. This pays for craft materials, paint, replacement toys and special events.
If you have any questions please contact Ann Cunningham on 0414 513 013 or email
English Conversation Classes
Come and learn English! Improve your English speaking!
We have 5 small classes of students from beginners to advanced. We also enjoy morning tea together. Everyone is welcome.
Let’s Get Creative
Let’s Get Creative ladies group meets from 10.00am to 12.30pm on the 3rd Wednesday of the month in our large hall. Our first get together for 2023 will be Wednesday 15 February.
Bring along all the materials you need for your creative efforts (hobbies, arts, crafts and projects) and join in with a friendly group of women from the church and local community.
There is a wonderful camaraderie and tasty morning tea.
Please just come along on the day or contact the church office on 9484 1143 if you require more details.